9th-Dan Kudo, 3rd-Dan Judo
Head director of International Kudo Advisory committee Head director of International/All Japan Kudo Federation Founder/Grand master of Daidojuku.
Born in Kesen numa City Miyagi prefecture.
Enrolled in Kesen numa High School, Joined in Jyudo club. He encountered "Budo" first time in his life. He offered his life to explore it ever since.
Joined the Self Defense Force.
Enrolled in Waseda University night-class.
Fulfilled duty of SFD and retired. Joined Kyokusinkaikan headquarter(22 years old). He stood out among other colleagues since the beginning because of his physical strength trained by Judo and his spiritual strength that never accept defeat. Found a branch of Kyokushinkaikan in Waseda University.
Joined the Self Defense Force.
Participated in the 5th Kyokushin National Tournament.
Received 2nd prize on the 6th Kyokushin National Tournament.
Moved to USA for higher achievement of Karate and study. Received 6th prize on the first Kyokushin International Tournament.
Received 3rd prize on the 8th Kyokushin National Tournament.
Received 3rd prize on the 11th Kyokushin National Tournament. Received 4th prize on the 2nd Kyokushin International TournamentFrom the experience confronting with heavier opponents from over sea, He was realized again necessity of changing the official rules to include the followings : punch on head, the underbelly attack and throw, in order to fill the gap of physical differences.